TMG or Betaine anhydrous


Betaine also called betaine anhydrous, or trimethylglycine (TMG) – is a substance that’s made in the body. It’s involved in liver function, cellular reproduction, and helping make carnitine. It activates sirtuins genes in the body that work on processes involved in slowing down aging in humans. Methyl donors can replenish the methyl groups to support healthy methylation. Leading longevity researchers believe that TMG is a better way to ensure adequate available methyl groups, over either methyl B-12 or methylfolate as a preventative measure against depletion.



Potential Benefits for Health:

  • Methylation Support: TMG acts as a methyl donor, contributing to the essential process of methylation, which plays a crucial role in various bodily functions (check one study by clicking here), including:
    • DNA and protein synthesis
    • Energy production
    • Detoxification
    • Neurotransmitter and hormone regulation
  • Cardiovascular Health: TMG may help regulate homocysteine levels, an amino acid associated with increased risk of heart disease. By lowering homocysteine, it may contribute to heart health. Check one study by clicking here
  • Liver Health: Some studies suggest TMG may support liver function and protect against fatty liver disease. Check one study by clicking here
  • Cognitive Function: Early research indicates potential benefits for memory, learning, and reducing symptoms of age-related cognitive decline. Check one study by clicking here
  • Athletic Performance: Studies suggest TMG supplementation may improve exercise performance and reduce muscle damage. Check one study by clicking here

Impact on Longevity:

  • Preclinical evidence: Animal studies show that TMG supplementation can extend lifespan in worms, rodents, and even primates. While directly translating these findings to humans requires caution, it paints a promising picture. Check one study by clicking here.
  • Potential mechanisms: TMG’s influence on methylation, homocysteine levels, and overall metabolic health may contribute to healthy aging and potentially influence longevity. Check one study by clicking here.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

30 g, 60 g, 100 g, 500 g, 1000 g

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