
This is daily capsule mix, that comes in daily packages that contains only organic gelatin capsules with pure supplements: Glycine 1x 950 mg, Creatine Monohydrate 2x 420 mg, TMG 1x 800 mg, Resveratrol 2x 400 mg, Quercetin 2x 370 mg, NMN 1x 700 mg, Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate 1x 500 mg, NAC 1x 500 mg, Apigenin 1x 400 mg, Berberin 1x 400 mg, Hyalurinic Acid 400 mg, Coenzyme Q10 270 mg.



This is daily capsule mix, that comes in daily packages that contains only organic gelatin capsules with pure supplements:

Glycine1x 950 mg
Creatine Monohydrate2x 420 mg
TMG 1x 800 mg
Resveratrol 2x 400 mg
Quercetin2x 370 mg
NMN1x 700 mg
Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate 1x 500 mg
NAC1x 500 mg
Apigenin 1x 400 mg
Berberine1x 400 mg
Pure Hyaluronic Acid1x 400 mg
Q101x 270 mg

Apigenin Benefits for Health:

  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory: Apigenin combats free radicals that damage cells and contributes to various chronic diseases. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, potentially impacting various health conditions. Check one study by pressing here.
  • Brain health: Research suggests potential benefits for memory, cognitive function, and protection against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Check one study by pressing here.
  • Cancer prevention: Apigenin may inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells, prompting interest in its potential preventive role against various cancers. Check one study by pressing here.
  • Metabolic health: Some studies suggest it may improve insulin sensitivity and glucose control, potentially benefiting individuals with diabetes or prediabetes. Check one study by pressing here.
  • Bone health: Early research indicates potential benefits for bone health by promoting bone formation and preventing osteoporosis. Check one study by pressing here.

Berberine benefits for Various Health Conditions:

  • Diabetes management: Berberine shines in improving blood sugar control, potentially acting as a natural alternative or complement to conventional diabetes medications. Check one study by clicking here.
  • Metabolic health: It may improve insulin sensitivity, lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and reduce inflammation, all contributing to better metabolic health. Check one study by clicking here.
  • Cardiovascular health: Berberine’s effects on cholesterol, blood sugar, and inflammation may translate to lower risk of heart disease and stroke. Check one study by clicking here.
  • Weight management: Some studies suggest potential benefits for weight loss and fat burning, although the exact mechanisms and long-term effectiveness are still under investigation. Check one study by clicking here.
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties: Berberine may combat certain bacterial infections and contribute to reduced inflammation in the body, benefiting various conditions. Check one study by clicking here.

CA-AKG Potential Health Benefits:

  • Cardiovascular Health: Ca-AKG may improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and protect against heart disease. Check one study here.
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases: Some studies suggest Ca-AKG’s neuroprotective properties may help protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Check one study here.
  • Kidney Health: Research indicates Ca-AKG may be beneficial for kidney function and protect against chronic kidney disease. Check one study here.
  • Muscle Health: Ca-AKG might enhance muscle mass and improve exercise performance in athletes and individuals undergoing training. Check one study here.
  • Diabetes Management: Preliminary studies suggest Ca-AKG’s ability to modulate insulin sensitivity and improve glucose metabolism may benefit individuals with diabetes. Check one study here.

CoQ10 Potential Health Benefits:

  • Heart Health: CoQ10 deficiency is linked to heart disease. Supplementation may improve heart function, reduce blood pressure, and decrease the risk of heart failure in certain individuals. Check one study here.
  • Neurological Health: Studies suggest CoQ10 may benefit individuals with neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s by protecting brain cells and improving cognitive function. Check one study here.
  • Migraine Prevention: Some research indicates CoQ10 can reduce the frequency and severity of migraine headaches. Check one study here.
  • Physical Performance: CoQ10 supplementation may enhance exercise performance and reduce muscle fatigue in athletes and older adults. Check one study here.
  • Skin Health: CoQ10’s antioxidant properties may protect skin from sun damage and improve its elasticity and hydration. Check one study here.

Creatine monohydrate Potential Health Benefits (check one study here):

  • Brain health: Emerging research suggests a possible role in protecting brain function and cognition, potentially beneficial for memory, learning, and neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Neurological disorders: Preliminary studies show promise in managing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease, but more research is needed.
  • Cardiovascular health: Creatine may offer some benefits for heart health by reducing blood pressure and improving blood flow.
  • Diabetes management: Early evidence suggests it might improve insulin sensitivity and glucose control, potentially aiding in diabetes management.

Glycine Benefits for Health and Longevity:

  • Improved Sleep Quality: Glycine supplementation has been shown to shorten sleep onset time and improve sleep quality, potentially benefiting individuals with insomnia. Check one study by clicking here.
  • Enhanced Cognitive Function: Research suggests glycine may improve memory, attention, and learning, with potential benefits for age-related cognitive decline. Check one study by clicking here.
  • Neuroprotective Effects: Glycine’s role in neurotransmission and antioxidant activity may protect brain cells from damage associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Check one study by clicking here.
  • Muscle Health and Performance: Supplementing with glycine may reduce muscle damage and soreness after exercise, promoting faster recovery and potentially enhancing athletic performance. Check one study by clicking here.
  • Potential Longevity Benefits: Early research suggests a link between higher glycine levels and longer lifespan in animal models. While human studies are ongoing, it paints a promising picture for its potential in healthy aging. Check one study by clicking here.

Benefits of Sodium Hyaluronate:

  • Enhanced hydration: NaHA’s superior water-binding capacity makes it a valuable ingredient in skincare products for improving skin hydration, reducing dryness, and plumping wrinkles. Check one study here.
  • Improved joint health: Injections of NaHA are used to treat osteoarthritis, lubricating joints, reducing pain and stiffness, and potentially promoting cartilage health. Check one study here.
  • Wound healing: NaHA may accelerate wound healing due to its role in supporting cell migration and regeneration. Check one study here.
  • Potential longevity benefits: Early research suggests NaHA supplementation may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, potentially contributing to healthy aging and longevity.

NAC Impact on Longevity:

  • Preclinical Studies: Studies in worms and rodents show that NAC supplementation can extend lifespan. While directly translating these findings to humans requires further investigation, it presents a promising prospect. Check one study here
  • Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Effects: NAC’s role in boosting glutathione, reducing oxidative stress, and managing inflammation may contribute to healthy aging and potentially extend lifespan. Check one study here
  • Improved Cellular Health: Protecting cells from damage and promoting healthy cellular processes may indirectly influence longevity. Check one study here
  • Reduced Disease Risk: NAC potentially reduces the risk of chronic diseases linked to aging, like heart disease and cancer, potentially contributing to a longer lifespan. Check one study here

NMN: Nicotinamide Mononucleotide beter known and simply called as NMN powder, is a kind of ingredient applied for dietary supplements. Supplementation increases nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) concentrations and improves healthspan and lifespan with great safety.

Following ingestion, NMN is rapidly absorbed in the small intestine and efficiently transported into cells. Within cells, specific enzymes readily convert NMN into NAD+. This direct pathway makes NMN a potentially potent and rapid booster of NAD+ levels.

NAD+ fuels vital cellular processes like the Krebs cycle, generating energy for essential functions. It also activates sirtuins, a family of proteins known as “longevity genes” that regulate DNA repair, stress resistance, and metabolism. Additionally, NAD+ plays a critical role in mitochondrial health and antioxidant defense, protecting cells from free radical damage.

Unfortunately, with age, NAD+ levels steadily decline, contributing to age-related deficiencies in energy production, DNA repair, and cellular resilience. This decline fuels the development of various age-related diseases like cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and metabolic dysfunction.

There are multiple studies to prove that, we will leave a link to one of them: study on NMN

Quercetin Benefits for Various Health Conditions:

  • Powerful antioxidant: Quercetin combats free radicals that damage cells and contribute to various chronic diseases. (Check one study here) Its antioxidant activity potentially shields the body from:
    • Cardiovascular disease: By protecting blood vessels and reducing inflammation.
    • Neurodegenerative diseases: By combating oxidative stress in the brain, potentially playing a role in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s prevention.
    • Cancer: By interfering with cancer cell growth and spread.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects: Quercetin may reduce inflammation linked to various conditions like allergies, arthritis, and autoimmune diseases. Check one study here.
  • Improved blood sugar control: Early research suggests it may improve insulin sensitivity and glucose control, potentially benefiting individuals with diabetes or prediabetes. Check one study here.
  • Enhanced cognitive function: Some studies suggest potential benefits for memory, learning, and reducing symptoms of age-related cognitive decline. Check one study here.

Resveratrol Benefits for Various Health Conditions:

  • Cardiovascular health: Resveratrol shows promise in protecting against heart disease by reducing inflammation, lowering LDL cholesterol, and improving blood vessel function. Check one study here.
  • Neurological health: It may combat neuroinflammation and oxidative stress, potentially delaying neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Check one study here.
  • Diabetes management: Some studies suggest it may improve insulin sensitivity and glucose control, benefiting individuals with diabetes or prediabetes. Check one study here.
  • Cancer prevention: Resveratrol’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may play a role in preventing or slowing the growth of certain cancer types. Check one study here.
  • Anti-aging effects: Studies suggest it can activate sirtuins, proteins involved in longevity pathways, potentially promoting healthy aging. Check one study here.

TMG Potential Benefits for Health:

  • Methylation Support: TMG acts as a methyl donor, contributing to the essential process of methylation, which plays a crucial role in various bodily functions (check one study by clicking here), including:
    • DNA and protein synthesis
    • Energy production
    • Detoxification
    • Neurotransmitter and hormone regulation
  • Cardiovascular Health: TMG may help regulate homocysteine levels, an amino acid associated with increased risk of heart disease. By lowering homocysteine, it may contribute to heart health. Check one study by clicking here
  • Liver Health: Some studies suggest TMG may support liver function and protect against fatty liver disease. Check one study by clicking here
  • Cognitive Function: Early research indicates potential benefits for memory, learning, and reducing symptoms of age-related cognitive decline. Check one study by clicking here
  • Athletic Performance: Studies suggest TMG supplementation may improve exercise performance and reduce muscle damage. Check one study by clicking here

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

30 days, 90 days, 180 days, 360 days

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