
Creatine has been found in several studies to possess antioxidant properties. Another “anti-aging” effect of creatine supplementation is to increase intracellular water content. With aging and reduced physical activity, there are decreases in muscle creatine, muscle mass, bone density, and strength. However, there is evidence that creatine ingestion may reverse these changes, and subsequently improve activities of daily living.



Benefits for Muscle and Exercise (check one study here):

  • Increased strength and power: Creatine supplementation is well-established in boosting muscle strength and power, particularly during high-intensity activities like weightlifting.
  • Improved muscle mass and recovery: It can potentially support muscle growth, especially when combined with resistance training, and aid in post-workout recovery.
  • Enhanced exercise performance: Creatine may improve endurance and fatigue resistance, allowing you to train harder and longer.

Potential Health Benefits (check one study here):

  • Brain health: Emerging research suggests a possible role in protecting brain function and cognition, potentially beneficial for memory, learning, and neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Neurological disorders: Preliminary studies show promise in managing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease, but more research is needed.
  • Cardiovascular health: Creatine may offer some benefits for heart health by reducing blood pressure and improving blood flow.
  • Diabetes management: Early evidence suggests it might improve insulin sensitivity and glucose control, potentially aiding in diabetes management.

Impact on Longevity:

  • Preclinical studies: Animal studies show that creatine supplementation can extend lifespan in worms, rodents, and even primates. While translating these findings directly to humans requires caution, it paints a fascinating picture.
  • Limited human research: While some observational studies suggest a link between creatine intake and lower mortality risk, more robust human trials designed specifically to assess its impact on longevity in healthy individuals are needed.
  • Healthy aging support: Based on its potential benefits for muscle health, brain function, and other physiological processes, creatine could contribute to healthy aging and potentially influence longevity.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

30 g, 60 g, 100 g, 500 g, 1000 g

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