1. These rules and policies of the UNAGER community (hereinafter – the Rules) determine the procedure for the use of  the website and the www.unager.com platform contained and operating, the provision of recommendations, and the  provision of marketing services, the rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties and other related provisions with the  provision of the Company’s services. 

2. Basic terms used in the rules: 

The company is UANGER FZ-LLC, a company established and operating in accordance with the laws of United Arab Emirates, data is collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities, which is the owner and administrator of the Platform (further on in  the text it may also be referred to as “we”, “our”, etc.) . Unless otherwise specified in the Rules, the concept of the Company  includes all representatives of the Company who act on behalf of the Company in accordance with the law and/or authorization,  and/or the representation agreement concluded with the Company. 

Website – an Internet website (e-site) with the address www.unager.com. 

The Unager community (hereinafter referred to as the Community) means entrepreneurs and specialists in their  fields who have signed cooperation agreements with the Company and joined the Platform. 

Member – a person who has entered into an Agreement with the Company (Platform user, legal entity or a person who carries out  individual activities), who, after using the marketing Services provided by the Company, has the opportunity to provide  recommendations for other members to join the Platform.

Platform – an electronic system (application software) running on the Website for the use of Members. 

Commission fee – a recurring fee paid to the Member for the recommendations made to encourage new members to join and for recommendations to use Companies products. 

Account – an electronic environment created by the Member on the Website, which indicates the Member’s personal data and  connection to the Platform and contact information, declares his consents, approvals, history of actions using the Services. 

Profitability form – a form filled in by the Member, in which the specified data obligates the Member to comply with them. 

Service contract – the contract concluded between the Entrepreneur (legal entity and/or individual activity) and the Company  regarding the marketing services provided by the Company. 

Referral – a person referred by the member to join the platform and buy the products.

Sanctions – Monetary and non-monetary restrictions applied by the Company to Members who have violated the provisions of the  rules set out in the Terms and Conditions. 

Privacy policy – the Company’s regulations regarding the processing of Members’ personal data, their purposes, scope and applied  security measures, which are an integral part of the Rules. 

3. From the moment of approval of the Rules and Privacy Policy on the Website, when the Member expresses his agreement (by  clicking the “I agree” button) in his Account with the Rules and the Privacy Policy, it is considered that the Member has  committed to comply with them. 

4. In all cases, it is considered that Members who use the Company’s Services have expressed their agreement with the provisions  of the Policy and Privacy Policy and undertake to comply with their obligations set forth therein. 

5. The rules are publicly published on the Website. Persons who have registered their Account (regardless of whether or not they  have completed the registration process after its creation) are deemed to be familiar with the applicable Rules and Privacy  Policy. 


6. Based on these Rules and the procedure established therein, the Company gives the Member an opportunity to provide marketing  services for a percentage fee during the validity of the Service Agreement, granting the right to join the Platform and thus participate in the  activities of the Unager community. 

7. The Company undertakes to pay for marketing services according to the Agreement and Unager according to the terms and procedure established in the Rules. 


8. In order to use the Platform and the services provided by the Company, the Member must register on the Platform, submit all requested documents and information, conclude the Agreement and familiarize himself with the Privacy Policy. 

9. A member can have only one active account on the Platform. The results of any subsequent registration and accounts may be terminated without separate notice. 

10. The member is fully responsible for the correctness and relevance of the information, data, and documents provided by him. Responsibility for incorrect information, which may lead to negative consequences, lies with the Member. 

11. The account on the Platform can only be used by the head of the legal entity or another legal representative who has the  authority to do so. The Member is responsible for the confidentiality and security of his login codes. All actions performed after  logging into the Platform on behalf of the Member will be considered to have been performed by him and will cause him all  legal consequences. 

12. A member who has registered on Platform must enter into an agreement with the Company, which is inseparable from these Part of the rules. A person who has not concluded an Agreement and/or has not paid for marketing services may be blocked  without any prior written warning. 

13. A Member in default of payment of any bills or performance of his obligations hereunder 

The Rules and/or the Agreement may be blocked (Using the Platform) upon prior written notice. 

Platform blocking can last for the duration of any violation, with an additional 10  working days for Platform activation. 


14. The member undertakes to be honest both with Unager community members and with persons to whom he recommends the products. 

15. The Unager community conducts its activities honestly, ethically and in compliance with all legal acts and business ethics requirements. All members of the community are guided by this principle. 

16. Unager community members create trust-based, constructive and mutual beneficial relationship. 

17. Following the norms of business ethics, Unager community members create added value for its own and other members’ businesses, investors, partners and society. 

18. Members of the Unager community undertake to adhere to all ethics in their professional field standards without losing sight of their goals. 

19. Unager community members protect confidential information entrusted to each other and uses it only to the extent agreed with the member or prescribed by law. 


20. Only legal entities or individuals performing individual activities can become members. People, acting on behalf of a legal entity must be properly authorized (the person acts in accordance with laws, regulations and/or on the basis of authorization) and have the right to make a decision. 

21. A person who has concluded a Service Agreement with the Company and makes monthly purchases of company products for a minimum of $250 according to these Rules is considered an active partner member according to the established procedure and is eligible for monthly payouts.

22. The first commissions can be charged for shipping Unager product used by the member.

23. The profit share exceeding minimum monthly supplement order is paid to the member in ethereum to the account provided by the member.

24. By becoming and staying an active partner member, members become eligible for these commissions:

24.1. A Member who invites a new Member to the community, who becomes a Partner Member, receives 20% of the amount of the bill paid by the new Member(1), which is distributed after the payment from the Member(1) is received and confirmed.  

24.2. Then, when the new Member(1) invites another new Member(2), the Member receives 5% of the amount paid by the latter, which is distributed after the payment from the Member(2) is received and confirmed. 

24.3. Then a new Member(2) also invites a new Member(3), the Member receives 3% of the amount paid by the latter, which is distributed after the payment from the Member(3) is received and confirmed. 

24.4. Then a new Member(3) also invites a new Member(4), the Member receives 2% of the amount paid by the latter, which is distributed after the payment from the Member(4) is received and confirmed. 

25. A member whose network consists of:

25.1. A minimum of 5 Members (1), 25 Members (2) and 70 members (3) and generates $50000 in sales monthly becomes Gold member and is eligible to use Luxury company vehicles provided by the company in UAE (At the moment only in UAE).

25.2. A minimum of 6 Members (1), 30 Members (2) and 114 members (3) and generates $100000 in sales monthly becomes Platinum member and is eligible to use Luxury company studio apartments provided by the company in Downtown Dubai, UAE (At the moment only in UAE).

25.3. A minimum of 8 Members (1), 40 Members (2) and 150 members (3) and generates $150000 in sales monthly becomes Ruby member and is eligible to use Luxury company 1 bedroom apartments provided by the company in Downtown Dubai, UAE (At the moment only in UAE).

25.4. A minimum of 10 Members (1), 50 Members (2) and 200 members (3) and generates $200000 in sales monthly becomes Emerald member and is eligible to use Luxury company 2 bedroom apartments provided by the company in Downtown Dubai, UAE (At the moment only in UAE).

25.5. A minimum of 13 Members (1), 65 Members (2) and 270 members (3) and generates $300000 in sales monthly becomes Diamond member and is eligible to use Luxury company 3 bedroom apartments provided by the company in Downtown Dubai, UAE (At the moment only in UAE).


26. A member can purchase ticket packages for events organized by the Unager community, which are published on  the Platform. 

27. A Silver member whose network generates $10000 monthly, or higher rank member is eligible to get VIP invitations to events organized by Unager

28. The Member may offer third parties, other than Community Members, to purchase tickets with a personal code/link provided  separately to the Member. After the third person uses the member code, the Member receives his commission from the purchase amount of the invited third person. 

29. If a third person becomes a Member of the Unager community after the event, it is considered that the new  Member was invited by a Member who recommended him to buy a ticket to an event organized by the Unager  community. 


30. The Company strives for the Platform to be used only by those Community Members who behave honestly and honorably  towards each other, therefore the Company reserves the right to apply appropriate sanctions at its own discretion to Members  who behave dishonestly and dishonorably, thereby failing to fulfill their obligations. The Company, having detected violations  of the Rules, applies sanctions at its own discretion, regardless of whether any complaints are received from other Members. 

31. The Company considers unacceptable actions of Members, including, but not limited to: 

31.1. refusal or delay in informing about the concluded transaction, as provided for in these Rules; 

31.2. refusal or delay in settlement with the Company; 

31.3. submitting and/or specifying  incorrect (including, but not limited to, misleading, fictitious, and/or falsified) data on the Platform or about the company outside the platform; 

31.4. any action other than on its own behalf without a duly formalized authorization; 

31.5. Non-performance, improper performance and/or violations of other obligations set out in the Rules; 

31.6. Committing any act of criminal or administrative offense specified in legal acts while using the Platform or the Company’s Services; 

32. In case of violations of the Rules, the Company has the right to apply the following  


32.1. temporary restriction of access to the Platform; 

32.2. Cancellation of connection to the platform; 

32.3. temporary suspension of the use of the Account; 

32.4. Cancellation of Account and Membership; 

33. The Member is informed  about the applied Sanctions and the terms and scope of their application on the Platform, and when the Sanctions restrict the use  of the Account – in a separate message sent to the e-mail address specified in the Member’s Account. 

34. In the event of any of the actions of the Member specified in the Rules unacceptable to the Company, or when the Member  tries in any other way to harm the Company’s image, data security and/or violates others assigned obligations, then the Company has the right at its discretion to immediately and without warning cancel the  Member’s Account and/or otherwise limit the ability to use the Platform. 

35. The Company may apply a temporary suspension of the use of the Account when it receives information that the User of  the Account has taken possession of the real Member’s login data or when it receives a request from the Member to  temporarily suspend the use of his Account, if such a request is not conditioned by the Member’s outstanding obligations. 

36. In case of violations of the Rules specified in this section, the Company has the right to apply a fine of EUR 100.00 (one  hundred euros) for each violation to the Member who committed it separately. 

37. Payment of arrears (arrears and/or fines) does not release the Member from the fulfillment of his obligations, compensation  of losses and/or payment of other arrearages due in accordance with legislation. Payment of arrears also does not cancel  the Sanctions applied by the Company. 

38. The Company’s requirements regarding the payment of penalties (delay interest and/or fines) to the Member who committed  the violation are presented on the Platform. At the option of the company, claims due to invalidity may also be sent to the  e-mail address specified in the Member’s Account. 

39. The Member undertakes to fulfill the request submitted by the Company regarding the payment of defaults (delay interest  and/or fines) no later than within 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt of the request. 


40. The Company has the right to change the functionality of the Platform, these Rules and/or other Service-related conditions  and requirements applicable to Members and/or to temporarily or completely suspend (terminate) the provision of Services  upon prior written notice. A member who disagrees with any change has the right within 3 working days from the day of  receiving such information, to submit the reasons for his disagreement to the Company in writing. 

In the absence of written objections by the specified deadline, it will be considered that the changes are accepted. 

In cases where the functionality and/or operation of the Platform, Mobile Application and/or Website is changed (including,  but not limited to, when functions are improved, changed, programming errors are corrected, visualization, design is  changed, etc.), the Company shall has the right to make changes and start applying them without prior notice to the  Members. Members are informed about the changes made on the Website and/or the Platform. 

41. In cases where the conditions of the Rules governing the provision of Services are changed, the Company announces  such changes coming into effect on the Website 30 (thirty) calendar days in advance. The published changes to the Rules  take effect from the date of their entry into force specified in the announcement. 

42. If the amendments to the Rules in any way affect the implementation of the Recommendations concluded between the Members before them and  which have not yet been completed, they shall be completed in accordance with the Rules in force at the time of their conclusion. 

43. When applying Sanctions to a specific Member for violations of the Rules, the Company may temporarily restrict the  provision of part and/or all of the Services and access to the Platform at any time without prior warning to the Member. 

44. Upon cancellation or suspension of the Member’s use of the Platform for more than 3 months, it is considered that the  cooperation agreement with the Member regarding mediation (Giving recommendations, commission fees, etc.) is  terminated. 


45. The member undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of personal data (including but not limited to the personal data of  Unager community members) in relations between themselves and the Unager community in  accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation, the Law on the Legal Protection of Personal Data.

46. The Company processes personal data provided by members in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Legal  Protection of Personal Data, as well as other legal acts regulating the processing and  protection of this data, its Privacy Policy. 

47. When processing and storing the Member’s data, the Company implements organizational and technical measures that  will ensure the protection of personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, alteration, disclosure, as well as  against any other illegal processing. 


48. The Company acknowledges that the quality of the provision of Services and the Community’s activities also depends on  the Members’ feedback, therefore it is ready to accept and take into account the suggestions and requests made by the  Members regarding the improvement of the Platform and these Rules. 

49. The Member agrees that any recommendations, ideas, suggestions and/or feedback provided by him, related to the  activities of the Community, may be used by the Company without separate written consent and free of charge. 


50. These Rules are drawn up in accordance with the laws and legal acts of United Arab Emirates. 

51. All mutual disputes between the Members and the Company shall be resolved through negotiations. If the dispute cannot be  resolved through negotiations within 30 days from the date of its origin, the disputes are resolved in the courts of United Arab Emirates. 

52. These Rules are interpreted based on the laws of United Arab Emirates. 

53. Members undertake to maintain confidentiality: not to disclose in writing, verbally or in any other form to third parties any  commercial, business, financial information that they have been introduced to on the basis of cooperation with these  Rules and participation in the Unager community. If there is a question as to whether specific information is  confidential, before disclosing it, the party must ask the Company in writing about its confidentiality, otherwise it will be  considered to be acting recklessly and carelessly. 

54. The parties are released from the performance of their obligations under these Rules, if they prove that their obligations  were not fulfilled or partially fulfilled due to circumstances of force majeure (force majeure), which they could not control  and foresee at the time of granting the obligations, and that they could not have prevented these circumstances or their  consequences. 

I have read and agree to these Rules. I confirm my consent by registering to the Partner area and using the affiliate system. 


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