
Showing 1–16 of 43 results

  • Premium daily capsule mix

    A daily Premium mix

    This is daily capsule mix, that comes in daily packages that contains only organic gelatin capsules with pure supplements: Glycine 1x 950 mg, Creatine Monohydrate 2x 420 mg, TMG 1x 800 mg, Resveratrol 2x 400 mg, Quercetin 2x 370 mg, NMN 1x 700 mg, Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate 1x 500 mg, NAC 1x 500 mg, Apigenin 1x 400 mg, Berberin 1x 400 mg, Hyalurinic Acid 400 mg, Coenzyme Q10 270 mg.
  • PRO daily capsule mix

    A daily PRO mix

    This is daily capsule mix, that comes in daily packages that contains only organic gelatin capsules with pure supplements: Glycine 2x 950 mg, Creatine Monohydrate 4x 420 mg, TMG 2x 800 mg, Quercetin 4x 370 mg, Resveratrol 3x 400 mg, NMN 2x 500 mg, Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate 2x 500 mg, Apigenin 2x 400 mg, NAC 1x 500 mg, Berberin 1x 400 mg, Hyalurinic Acid 400 mg, Coenzyme Q10 270 mg,
  • Alpha lipoic acid

    Alpha Lipoic Acid 99%

    Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) holds promise for various health benefits, primarily due to its potent antioxidant properties.
  • Unager pure apigenin


    Apigenin restores endothelial function by ameliorating oxidative stress, reverses aortic stiffening, and mitigates vascular inflammation with aging. Apigenin may protect tissues throughout the body from premature aging, thanks to two different mechanisms: Apigenin is a natural polyphenol with anti-inflammatory properties as well as an antioxidant. You can find a study here

  • ashwagandha by unager


    Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng and winter cherry, is an ancient medicinal herb renowned in Ayurvedic medicine for its diverse health benefits.
  • Unager pure berberine


    Recent studies have found that the benefits of berberine may be related to combating aging and age-related diseases. Some studies even proclaim that it has the same effects to lowering blood sugar levels and reducing insulin levels as metformin.

  • Beta-Alanine by unager


    Research on the impact of Beta Alanine on lifespan and longevity is ongoing and complex, with some promising findings.


    Ca-AKG specifically reduces the inflammation caused by senescent cells (ageing cells) and slows down age-related DNA changes.

  • Unager Coenzyme Q10

    Coenzyme Q10

    Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that your body produces naturally. Your cells use CoQ10 for growth and maintenance. Levels of CoQ10 in your body decrease as you age. CoQ10 levels have also been found to be lower in people with certain conditions, such as heart disease, and in those who take cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins.

  • Unager pure creatine monohydrate

    Creatine monohydrate

    Creatine has been found in several studies to possess antioxidant properties. Another “anti-aging” effect of creatine supplementation is to increase intracellular water content. With aging and reduced physical activity, there are decreases in muscle creatine, muscle mass, bone density, and strength. However, there is evidence that creatine ingestion may reverse these changes, and subsequently improve activities of daily living.

  • Unager pure fisetin


    Fisetin reduces the amount of senescent cells, which are cells that increase during aging and damage healthy surrounding cells, accelerating the aging process.
  • Garlic Extract by unager

    Garlic extract 5%

    Garlic, more than just a kitchen staple adding savory depth to our dishes, has been captivating minds for centuries due to its potential health benefits. Recent research delves deeper, exploring its intriguing implications for promoting health and longevity.
  • Ginger Extract by unager

    Ginger extract 10:1

    Ginger root, a spice commonly found in kitchens around the world, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its diverse health benefits.
  • Glucosamine Sulphate 2KCl by unager

    Glucosamine Sulphate 2KCl

    Glucosamine sulfate, a naturally occurring compound found in the body and available as a supplement, has long been a popular choice for managing joint health. Recent research sheds light on its potential impact on longevity, adding an intriguing layer to its health benefits.
  • unager pure glycine


    Glycine decreases oxidative stress, which can support healthy aging. Furthermore, glycine is a chaperone. Chaperones are small molecules that protect proteins and support the proper recycling of proteins, which plays an important role in healthy aging. Increasing glycine in the diet may well be a strategy for helping cartilage regeneration by enhancing collagen synthesis, which could contribute to the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis.

  • Unager pure hyaluronic acid/ sodium hyaluronate

    Hyaluronic Acid

    We produce less and less hyaluronic acid as we age. From around the age of 25, the skin's own production of hyaluronic acid slowly decreases. Using hyaluronic acid supplements or topical products can help people maintain a youthful appearance and improve many signs of aging. That means the skin loses moisture more quickly, and it loses volume. Fine lines form and finally the first wrinkles appear.

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